Real slow Key West start to the day. Paul, Baily and I stayed up a bit later exploring some of the Key West night life. We went to a charming outdoor cafe called 2 cents for dessert and drinks. Walked till our feet hurt.(Baily even bought socks at the Green Parrot for her blisters)
Baily’s brother George and his wife Carla own and operate a business called Key West Eco Tours, We were invited to kayak in a mangrove filled Geiger Key in the middle of the day.
I wore my bathing suit thinking I could jump in the waters but its very shallow. You could pretty much stand up at anytime. The tour was slow and relaxed as we winded our way through old growth.
Looking down you could see plenty of fish, cassiopeia (upside down jelly fish), star fish, and sponges. There was an area where the pelicans all gathered and hung out in the trees. I was lulled by the water, sun and wind and felt super relaxed.
Not a whole lot of mural work done today. Paul and Baily whipping up a fish dinner. On my first beer. Got to go.